I like variety when it comes to making pictures and it was a good week for that in Florida. This is one of my favorites from the past seven days. I took it in a restaurant while waiting for my food to arrive. This window scene looks like a painting, but it's the view of the side of a house next to where I was dining.
Rolling Stone Magazine's selection of Kaki King as one of their living "Guitar Gods" is right on the mark. She put on a great show in Clearwater, Florida on Wednesday. I'm in the front row of the balcony but thanks to the zoom lens on my little point and shoot camera, I was able to get in close. Check out the length of the nail on her right thumb. I'm pretty sure is a glue-on.
We arrived in the New York area early but thanks to lots of ground congestion, we circled near JFK airport for almost 45 minutes. This is the Atlantic Ocean coast line. The sea looks pretty churned up.
Just before I went downstairs from my 8th floor Tampa, Florida hotel room, I took a time-exposure of I-275. I wanted to get the streaks of lights from the cars while getting some of the golden light on Tampa Bay itself at the top of the frame.
If you continued on I-275 and wanted to head over to St Petersburg, Florida, the freeway leads onto the Howard Franklin Expressway that slices through Tampa Bay.
There was a wedding at the hotel and these ladies were leaving the reception. I caught one of them waving good-bye to the folks downstairs.
While shopping at Target to get some razor blades, I visited a pond in back of the near-by Whole Foods to check on the wildlife. I lucked out a caught this Heron zeroing in on dinner.
From that same pond-side parking lot, this Heron is preening its plumage as it gets ready for our photo shoot.
The week began with the AirFest at MacDill Air Force Base. The Air Force Thunderbirds precision flying team put on a great show.
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